As you level up in Palworld , you earn Technology Points that can be used to unlock new facilities and items for your base and beyond. There are several new Technology items for every level reached and players will have to decide how they want to spend their points.
With so much new Palworld technology unlocked with each new level, players will constantly wish for more tech points to spend on these new features. To help you make the decision, we compiled a full Palworld Technology List so you can spend those Technology Points and Ancient Technology Points wisely. We’re also covering those special items, such as Legendary Armor and Legendary Weapons, that can only be unlocked by finding Item Schematics.
Related: Best Pals to Farm Iron, Ore & Paldium in Palworld (Mining Pals)
Palworld Technology List: All Technology Point Unlocks New levels bring new Palworld Technology to the table, along with the Technology Points you’ll need to unlock it. Here’s a full Palworld Technology list breaking down what gets unlocked at each level, how many Technology Points you’ll need to gain access to it, and the item’s basic use category.
Some items in your Technology list will likely be marked as “Unknown Item.” These items relate to specific Pals and their skills, which means they won’t show up in your Technology list until you’ve caught that Pal.
Also, keep in mind that there are some slight differences to this list between Steam and Xbox Game Pass versions of Palworld, though most of the differences have been fixed in recent game updates. This list was created using the Xbox GamePass version.
Level 1 Palworld Technology Technology Technology Points to Unlock Category Primitive Workbench 0 Structures : Production Stone Axe 0 Items: Tool Stone Pickaxe 0 Items : Tool Hand-held Torch 0 Items: Tool Wooden Club 0 Items: Weapon
Level 2 Palworld Technology Technology Technology Points to Unlock Category Pal Box 1 Structures : Base Management Pal Sphere 1 Items: Tools Campfire 1 Structures: Production Wooden Chest 1 Structures: Storage Repair Bench 1 Structures: Production Wooden Structure Set 2 Structures: Shelter
Level 3 Palworld Technology Technology Technology Points to Unlock Category Old Bow 1 Items: Weapon Arrow 1 Items: Weapon Shoddy Bed 1 Structures: Shelter Straw Pal Bed 2 Structures: Pal Care Repair Kit 1 Items: Tools Cloth 1 Items: Materials
Level 4 Palworld Technology Technology Technology Points to Unlock Category Common Shield 2 Items: Armor Stone Spear 2 Items: Weapon Feed Box 2 Structures: Pal Care Cloth Outfit 2 Items: Armor Alarm Bell 1 Structures: Base Defense Hanging Trap 1 Structures: Base Defense
Level 5 Palworld Technology Technology Technology Points to Unlock Category Ranch 2 Structures: Production Normal Parachute 2 Items: Travel Berry Plantation 2 Structures: Production Fire Bow 2 Items: Weapons Fire Arrow 1 Items: Weapons Wooden Living Room Furniture Set 1 Structures: Shelter
Level 6 Palworld Technology Technology Technology Points to Unlock Category Pal Gear Workbench 2 Structures: Production Statue of Power 2 Structures: Pal Care Mounted Torch 2 Structures: Shelter Rushoar’s Saddle 1 Items: Pal Skills Foxpark’s Harness 1 Items: Pal Skills Wooden Tavern Furniture Set 1 Structures: Shelter
Level 7 Palworld Technology Technology Technology Points to Unlock Category Logging Site 2 Structures: Production Stone Pit 2 Structures: Production Signboard 1 Structures: Decoration Bat 1 Items: Weapon Melpaca’s Saddle 1 Items: Pal Skills Celaray’s Gloves 1 Items: Pal Skills
Level 8 Palworld Technology Technology Technology Points to Unlock Category Poison Bow 2 Items: Weapon Poison Arrow 1 Items: Weapon Crusher 2 Structures: Production Jolthog’s Gloves 1 Items: Pal Skills Daedream’s Necklace 2 Items: Pal Skills Wooden Tavern Cabinet Furniture Set 1 Structures: Shelter
Level 9 Palworld Technology Technology Technology Points to Unlock Category Tropical Outfit 3 Items: Armor Tundra Outfit 3 Items: Armor Hot Spring 2 Structures: Pal Care Sandbag 2 Structures: Base Defense Direhowl’s Saddled Harness 1 Items: Pal Skills Killamari’s Gloves 1 Items: Pal Skills
Level 10 Palworld Technology Technology Technology Points to Unlock Category Three Shot Bow 2 Items: Weapons Feathered Hair Band 2 Items: Armor Primitive Furnace 2 Structures: Production Bear Trap (Small) 1 Structures: Base Defense Nail 1 Items: Materials Surfent Saddle 1 Items: Pal Skills
Level 11 Palworld Technology Technology Technology Points to Unlock Category Metal Axe 2 Items: Tools Metal Pickaxe 2 Items: Tools High Quality Workbench 3 Structures: Production Wooden Gate 2 Structures: Base Defense Lifmunk’s Submachine Gun 1 Items: Pal Skills Jolthog Cryst’s Gloves 1 Items: Pal Skills
Level 12 Palworld Technology Technology Technology Points to Unlock Category Pelt Armor 2 Items: Armor Meat Cleaver 2 Items: Tools Medieval Medicine Workbench 3 Structures: Production Tanzee’s Assault Rifle 1 Items: Pal Skills Eikthyrdeer Saddle 1 Items: Pal Skills Houseplant Set 1 Structures: Decoration
Level 13 Palworld Technology Technology Technology Points to Unlock Category Crossbow 2 Items: Weapons Metal Spear 2 Items: Weapons Training Dummy 2 Structures: Pal Training Cooler Box 2 Structures: Storage Grintale Saddle 1 Items: Pal Skills Chillet Saddle 2 Items: Pal Skills
Level 14 Palworld Technology Technology Technology Points to Unlock Category Mega Sphere 2 Items: Tools Sphere Workbench 3 Structures: Production Wall Torch 2 Structures: Base Lighting Sweepa Saddle 1 Items: Pal Skills Univolt Saddle 1 Items: Pal Skills Antique Storage Set 1 Structures: Decoration
Level 15 Palworld Technology Technology Technology Points to Unlock Category Fire Arrow Crossbow 2 Items: Weapons Wheat Plantation 2 Structures: Production Mill 2 Structures: Production Monitoring Stand 2 Structures: Base Defense Viewing Cage 2 Structures: Pal Management Nitewing Saddle 1 Items: Pal Skills
Level 16 Palworld Technology Technology Technology Points to Unlock Category Mega Shield 2 Items: Armor Heat Resistant Pelt Armor 2 Items: Armor Metal Chest 2 Structures: Storage Wooden Defensive Wall 2 Structures: Base Defense Arsox Saddle 1 Items: Pal Skills Wall-Mounted Houseplant Set 1 Structures: Decoration
Level 17 Palworld Technology Technology Technology Points to Unlock Category Poison Arrow Crossbow 2 Items: Weapons Cooking Pot 2 Structures: Production Heater 2 Structures: Production Pengullet’s Rocket Launcher 2 Items: Pal Skills Flopie’s Necklace 2 Items: Pal Skills Fireplace Set 1 Structures: Decoration
Level 18 Palworld Technology Technology Technology Points to Unlock Category Mega Glider 2 Items: Tools Cold Resistant Pelt Armor 3 Items: Armor Stone Structure Set 3 Structures: Shelter Cooler 2 Structures: Storage Tocotoco’s Gloves 2 Items: Pal Skills Carpet Set 1 Structures: Decoration
Level 19 Palworld Technology Technology Technology Points to Unlock Category Breeding Farm 2 Items: Weapons Cement 1 Structures: Production Large Toolbox 2 Structures: Production Dinossom Saddle 2 Items: Pal Skills Digtoise’s Headband 2 Items: Pal Skills Antique Chair Set 1 Structures: Decoration
Level 20 Palworld Technology Technology Technology Points to Unlock Category Giga Sphere 3 Items: Tools Weapon Workbench 3 Structures: Production Flame Cauldron 2 Structures: Production Broncherry Saddle 2 Items: Pal Skills Hangyu’s Gloves 1 Items: Pal Skills Antique Storage Cabinet Set 1 Structures: Decoration
Level 21 Palworld Technology Technology Technology Points to Unlock Category Musket 3 Items: Tools Gunpowder 2 Structures: Production Coarse Ammo 1 Structures: Production Vanwyrm Saddle 3 Items: Pal Skills Elphidran Saddle 2 Items: Pal Skills Antique Desk Set 1 Structures: Decoration
Level 22 Palworld Technology Technology Technology Points to Unlock Category Stun Baton 2 Items: Weapons Bear Trap (Large) 2 Structures: Base Defense Kingpaca Saddle 2 Items: Pal Skills Dazzi’s Necklace 2 Items: Pal Skills Antique Couch Set 1 Structures: Decoration
Level 23 Palworld Technology Technology Technology Points to Unlock Category Metal Armor 2 Items: Armor Metal Helm 2 Items: Armor Water Fountain 2 Structures: Decoration Maraith Saddle 1 Items: Pal Skills Galeclaw’s Gloves 1 Items: Pal Skills Antique Bath Set 1 Structures: Decoration
Level 24 Palworld Technology Technology Technology Points to Unlock Category Fluffy Pal Bed 2 Structures: Pal Care Flower Bed 2 Structures: Production Surfent Terra Saddle 1 Items: Pal Skills
Published: Feb 19, 2024 03:49 pm