Bazoomka is a vehicle that was first introduced to the Hot Wheels franchise in 2018 with the Hot Wheels Fun Park Set. It’s designed to look like a missile racing down the track and was also built to hold the 2013 Mega Bloks Hot Wheels figure. It’s only been reproduced three times, making it somewhat of a rarity among Hot Wheels figures. Now, it’s possible to get Bazoomka in Hot Wheels Unleashed, and this guide explains how.
Pick up the Christmas Pack of presents

To get Bazoomka in Hot wheels Unleashed, you need to download the free Christmas Pack. To do this, open the Add On menu from the main menu. Then, scroll across the top until you find the Vehicles subheading and scroll across the bottom to the Christmas Pack. You’ll need to download the Christmas Pack, which contains three vehicles, to get Bazoomka for your collection. Note that we had to restart our version of the game to get Bazoomka to show up correctly in our collection.
The Christmas Pack was a free bundle of cars that developer Milestone added to Hot Wheels Unleased for Christmas 2021. The pack doesn’t require you to own anything else, such as the Volume 1 Pass, so you’ll be able to download it regardless of which version of the game you own and any add-ons you have.
Published: Dec 21, 2021 06:03 am