The Silent Hill franchise has been terminated abruptly after the release of the P.T. demo and Hideo Kojima’s split from Konami, which has put an end to the project Silent Hills that the creator of Metal Gear was working on with The Walking Dead’s Norman Reedus.
The Silent Hill franchise has been terminated abruptly after the release of the P.T. demo and Hideo Kojima’s split from Konami, which has put an end to the project Silent Hills that the creator of Metal Gear was working on with The Walking Dead‘s Norman Reedus.
Since then, we haven’t heard anything about the series, and it looks like Konami is not very interested in that, since it has been only publishing vintage and collection-like stuff about historic IP, such as Mega Man or Castlevania, the annual PES games and pachinko in Japan.
However, there’s someone who would be very interested in case the publisher would decide to return to the intellectual property, and that someone is the art director of Silent Hill 1, 2, 3 and The Room, Masahito Ito, as he has shared on Twitter.
Ito said over the weekend that he would not be interested in remaking one of the first and most popular games in the series, as instead suggested by some fan, but would be ready to return to Silent Hill, should Konami decide to fund a new chapter.
“I’m asked for motivation to remake one of Silent Hill 1-3,” he tweeted. “But, as I tweeted before, I really don’t have any interest in the remake of it. Also, I don’t have any right to SH, even Pyramid Head & Bubble H Nurse. If I have to work on the series & the one is a new sequel w/o PH, I’ll do.”
Interestingly, he outlined that a new game would require roughly three years to build, and this is the reason why he wouldn’t work on any remake since “you only live once. So repeating the same thing is just only a waste of time. Also, I get bored easily.”
Are you listening, Konami?
It will take about 3 years to build that. And you only live once. So repeating the same thing is just only a waste of time. Also I get bored easily.
— 伊藤暢達/Masahiro Ito (@adsk4) July 28, 2019
Published: Aug 1, 2019 01:03 pm