Eureka Seven, the popular anime from the mid-2000s, is crossing over with Daemon X Machina. Both feature giant robots, so this pairing makes sense.
Daemon X Machina gains free DLC today based on the hit anime series, Eureka Seven.
Daemon X Machina is a Switch exclusive, third-person shooter video game. In the game, you pilot a giant robot and face against Artificial Intelligence that threatens the planet. The game was released in September and had a mixed critical reception at launch.
Despite how little fanfare the game received at launch, the title still gets new patches and free DLC. Today, the game gained a new DLC based on Eureka Seven.
Eureka Seven is an anime that initially aired between 2005 and 2006. The anime was critically well-received, and a new trilogy of films are currently being released right now. The anime also heavily featured giant robots.
The new DLC for Daemon X Machina allows you to pilot a robot that looks like the Nirvash type ZERO from Eureka Seven. You can also have your player avatar dress up as Renton Thurston, the main protagonist from the anime.
The Eureka Seven DLC set can be downloaded on Nintendo eShop, and it is called the “Psalm of Planets Eureka Seven Set.” In the game, the Nirvash and the Renton outfit are known as the Arsenal: Nirvash, the Outer Suit: Renton Thurson, and the Outer Edit Parts: Renton Thurson.
Published: Nov 14, 2019 12:09 pm