Sony has opened sign-ups for the upcoming firmware 6.00 on PlayStation 4. The opening comes out of surprise at this stage and we don’t have any particular information about the new features that it could be carrying.
Sony has opened sign-ups for the upcoming firmware 6.00 on PlayStation 4. The opening comes out of surprise at this stage and we don’t have any particular information about the new features that it could be carrying.
The registration is now open in North America and Japan, while it is not available yet in Europe.
You can sign up for a chance to be in the firmware 6.00 PS4 firmware beta here:
All you need to access to the beta is being 18+ years old, and a PlayStation Plus or PlayStation Now subscriber. If you respect these parameters, you have time until July 27 to sign up and have the opportunity to be in the beta.
Among the most anticipated features in the PlayStation community, we surely have the opportunity to change your PSN ID, something players have been asking for quite a while now and Sony has even opened to.
So, are you applying? And what’s your most anticipated feature for the firmware 6.00? Let us know in the comments below.
Published: Jul 19, 2018 09:15 am