Sony has filed a patent that is seemingly hinting at the possible introduction of a Google Stadia’s State Share-like feature for PlayStation 5, as discovered by TweakTown. It’s likely a first look on what the Japanese platform owner is preparing for the next-generation.
Sony has filed a patent that hints at the introduction of a Google Stadia’s State Share-like feature for PlayStation 5, as discovered by TweakTown. It’s likely a first look at what the Japanese platform owner is preparing for the next-generation.
The patent shows that Sony is working on a feature that allows you to share save state and create demos to let your friends play little bits of a game you’re enjoying a lot – that’s why I mentioned State Share from Google Stadia, it’s the same thing.
The technology in the making would allow you to reach a specific point in the game and then share the save with your friend, that perhaps might not be willing to get to that point through the entire adventure or might be having issues with the difficulty level while still enjoying it.
The share functionality would allow sending your friend the state of your game via an email or social media with a link that they could use to jump in the title instantly, whether it’s PlayStation Now for PC and PlayStation or any game purchased on PlayStation Store.
Also, you could go and make a custom demo for a friend of yours, with small portions of a title you love and want to show them why they would love it, too, for example. That would be a further step forward down the line of the sharing bonanza Sony has been through the current-gen.
Of course, patents are just patents right now, and we can’t confirm whether this will truly become a PS5 feature or will remain that – a patent.
Published: Nov 20, 2019 10:41 am