We’ve been waiting for quite a long while about PSN name change update news, but those haven’t dropped as early as anticipated.
We’ve been waiting for quite a long while about PSN name change update news, but those haven’t dropped as early as anticipated.
After a quick beta, it even looked like there could be some technical issue that could’ve prevented the feature from being released at all.
While there’s a timeframe engineer at Sony need to use to deploy and support the feature fully, there’s a bit of impatience and even concern among supporters for it.
Well, it seems like there’s no reason for concern at all, as Sony is still working on the update and will probably have more to say on the topic very soon.
The confirm arrives directly from the recent refund policy change on PlayStation Network since the feature is mentioned over there.
It specifically talks about “refunds for changing your online ID on PlayStation Network,” something that is not possible today but will probably be ‘tomorrow.’
“You cannot cancel or obtain a refund for your purchase of a change of Online ID,” claims the newest policy.
Let us remind you of how this works: the first PSN name change will be free, then it’ll cost $9,99 for future changes.
So, be prepared as it seems the gears are finally in motion for the name change on PSN.
Published: Apr 2, 2019 10:07 am