The Pokémon Go library of available Pokémon is consistently growing as time goes by. What started as a game with only the original pocket monsters has grown to include many of the generations of Pokémon introduced in the games since the early days. With that, there are new ways to evolve your Pokémon.
Sinnoh Stones in Pokémon Go are used for advancing your generation one or two Pokémon into their final forms first introduced during the generation four games, Diamond and Pearl. You can get Sinnoh Stones by defeating Team Go Rocket leaders, completing PvP battles, and completing the seventh day of Field Research. Here are all of the Pokémon you can evolve with that Sinnoh Stone.
For all of the Pokémon below, even if you have a Sinnoh Stone in your item inventory, you will need to gather at least 100 candy for the evolutionary line you are trying to advance. The stone alone will not work. The first name is the Pokémon you give the stone to, with the second name being their evolved form.

- Aipom – Ambipom
- Dusclops – Dusknoir
- Electabuzz – Electivire
- Gligar – Gliscor
- Kirlia – Gallade
- Lickitung – Lickilicky
- Magmar – Magmortar
- Magneton – Magnezone
- Misdreavus – Mismagius
- Murkrow – Honchkrow
- Nosepass – Probopass
- Piloswine – Mamoswine
- Porygon2 – Porygon-Z
- Rhydon – Rhyperior
- Roselia – Roserade
- Sneasel – Weaville
- Snorunt – Froslass
- Tangela – Tangrowth
- Togetic – Togekiss
- Yanma – Yanmega
Published: Aug 21, 2021 09:15 pm