Call of Cthulhu is Coming to The Nintendo Switch | Everything We Know

The Lovecraftian title Call of Cthulhu is going to release to the Nintendo Switch sometime in 2019, and here’s everything we know about it before it releases

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Call of Cthulhu, the roleplaying, supernatural investigation game currently available on Steam, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, is headed to the Nintendo Switch. The Lovecraftian horror title takes place in 1924, where players assume the role of private investigator Pierce who is sent to investigate the death of the Hawkins Family on Darkwater Island. Here’s everything we know about the title, and what we know about when it’ll arrive at the Nintendo Switch

Call of Cthulhu on the Nintendo Switch

When Does It Release?

As of right now, no one has the exact date for when Call of Cthulhu is available on the Nintendo Switch. However, we do know it’ll come out sometime in 2019. We could theorize the title is making its way over during the fall of this year since the Nintendo Switch’s line-up is jammed packed with plenty of titles. Plus, given it’s a horror game, it would be fitting to have Switch players get their hands on it around Halloween time to set the mood.

How Much Will It Cost?

Due to the game’s release date being unannounced, so is the title’s price tag. Right now, you can pick up Call of Cthulhu for $44.99 on the Steam store. Given the title is going to be a brand new release for the Switch, we’d imagine the game is going to be available at close to that same price, if not, a little lower.

How Does The Game Play?

It’s a first-person adventure title, where players solve puzzles, speak to NPCs, and discover the mystery unfolding on Darkwater Island. Players can expect to go through an engaging story where they learn about how to handle each new problem through NPCs. You’ll have to look into clues in your inventory, and think outside the box.

If you’re eager to give the game a try, check it out on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, or through Steam. You can pick it up right now for $44.99.

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Zack Palm
Zack Palm is the Senior Writer of Gamepur and has spent over five years covering video games, and earned a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Oregon State University. He spends his free time biking, running tabletop campaigns, and listening to heavy metal. His primary game beats are Pokémon Go, Destiny 2, Final Fantasy XIV, and any newly released title, and he finds it difficult to pull away from any Star Wars game.