The Destiny 2: Forsaken Ether Ritual Public Event in the Tangled Shore can be one of the tougher events to turn Heroic. Learn how to do it here.
With all the new content in Destiny 2: Forsaken come two new types of Public Events. You’ve hopefully already learned how to turn the Cryo-Pod event into its heroic version, and this guide will explain how to turn the Ether Ritual public event heroic. It is one of the tougher ones to get right, so pay attention.
Heroic Ether Ritual Public Event
This event kicks off with a central servitor surrounded by runes. This will become your new best friend. You will be tasked with defeating three Dredge Chieftains, along with their accompanying enemies. Each wave brings along a corrupted servitor. Do not kill it! You must ensure that the servitor stays alive and focus on killing the Dredge Chieftain.

Once the Dredge Chieftain is slain, you will see several white orbs of Ether appear from the servitor and float towards your best friend, the central servitor. Destroy these white Ether orbs at all cost. None of them may reach the central servitor.

If you are able to destroy the white Ether orbs, and none reach the central servitor, then the event will turn heroic and a new boss will spawn. Defeat it and the rewards are yours.
Be sure to visit our Destiny 2 Guide Hub for guides on how to turn every public event into its heroic variant so that you will never be that guy.
Published: Sep 4, 2018 10:11 am