One would have to assume that the crew in Among Us collects a lot of data, so it makes sense that The Airship has a room devoted to this information. One task in The Airship has you organize these files in the Records room.
Where to find Records

Look for an oval-shaped room in the top right corner of The Airship. This room intersects with three other points of interest — you can reach Records by going right from the Gap Room, or left from the Lounge. Below Records are the Showers.

How to Sort Records

On the center table are two folders — select the table and pick any of the four folders. Above you will be six cabinet drawers, and surrounding you are four large shelves. You will have to place these folders back one at a time, with the game highlighting where your current folder goes.

To place a folder on a shelf, simply tap on the empty space on the shelf, or click it with your mouse. On console, you can push either analog stick forward, depending on which side of the shelf you have to insert the folder in.

When slipping a folder in a drawer, the mechanic is basically the same; tap or click on the screen where there is a gap where the folder can fit, or push the analog stick down. Which locations you will have to file these records will change with every game session.
How to Upload Data

You’ll recognize this straightforward task from other maps. Simply hit the Download button and wait while watching the fun little loading animation. Make sure you’re safe before downloading and obscuring your whole screen. Then, upload the data to another location. The data receiver is on the right side in Records.
Published: Mar 31, 2021 03:10 pm