The Clone Wars animated show was a popular series that featured multiple characters, highlighting Anakin, Obi-Wan, Padme, and Ahsoka Tano, a character who was created for the series. Although Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga does have some of these characters, is the Clone Wars TV series featured in the game?
We can confirm that the base game for The Skywalker Saga does not feature missions or too much content from the Clone Wars TV series. However, you may recognize many voice actors, such as Obi-Wan, Anakin, and all Clone Troopers. These characters are being played by their Clone Wars TV actors.
However, characters like Captain Rex, Ahsoka Tano, and several others are not featured in the game. You cannot unlock them through story content or any of the side quests you accept throughout the galaxy. Although, this could change. For example, The Mandalorian, the main character in The Mandalorian live-action series, is available as an extra character if you purchase the DLC, along with Cara Dune, IG-11, Kuill, and Greeg Karga. We could see the Clone Wars characters and missions appear in the future of Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga in future content, but they do not appear in the base game.
Related: A Complete Ranking of Every ‘Star Wars’ TV Show on The Mary Sue
Published: Apr 6, 2022 12:39 pm