Tennocon 2021 was filled with all manner of surprises in Warframe. From playable Grineer and Corpus characters to the arrival of Teshin in missions, players were given a lot to process. Probably one of the most interesting developers was the announcement that Digital Extremes are developing Warframe for mobile platforms.
At the moment, details are thin on the ground and the mobile version of the highly successful third-person action title does not have a set release date. Truthfully, little information was given about the development of the mobile version, so it’s impossible to guess what year it will release.
With smooth onscreen controls, Warframe Mobile could be poised to be a huge success, and the mobile version will even appeal to people who play on PC and console thanks to another upcoming featuring, crossplay and cross-save.
The mobile version of Warframe, combined with cross-save, will allow players who are away from their PC or Console to easily log in and get their daily reward, and potentially even finish up the daily Sortie without needing to miss out on some potential loot.
Even players who don’t want to embrace the action side of Warframe on a mobile will be able to get great value as they can take care of things that take place outside of missions like looking after their Dojo, creating new pets, experimenting with their builds, and creating new items in the Foundry while they are on the bus to work.
Published: Jul 18, 2021 02:38 am