Psi King’s Sensorium is one of the largest levels in all of Psychonauts 2, leaving a lot of exploring for you to do between its varying areas. Like other levels, the Emotional Baggage collectible of this mind will require you to find Tags for various bags and return them to their rightful owner. Here are the Emotional Baggage locations in Psi King’s Sensorium in Psychonauts 2.
The Dufflebag Tag is located at the very beginning of the Concession area. Go to the van and turn left to see the tag in a flowery area.
To find the Dufflebag, travel back to Vision Shrine after defeating the boss for this level. Follow the main path until you reach the third rainbow bridge. It is hidden underneath.

Hat Box
The Hat Box Tag will require you to travel to Vision Shrine. Follow the main path until you reach the third rainbow bridge. Instead of following it, turn to find a rope path with a spinning fan. Get past that fan and the one after to find a little area with a burnable poster in it. Burn the poster to find a secret room with the tag.

The Hat Box is at Woods. Take the path to the right of the worm, and at the fork in the road, turn left to find a campground with the collectible.
The Purse Tag is located in the Backstage area. It can be found on top of a trailer behind the stage area. To find the Purse, you will need to travel to Concessions. Progress over the rope areas until you go over the first spinning star platform. Jump down to the area below to find the Purse in front of the big rock.

Streamer Trunk
To get the Streamer Trunk, first travel to the Nose Mouth Shrine. Follow the path until you bounce up to the first tower. Turn left to find a path with a tongue and two fish you need to slow down to pass. The tag is on the other side of the fish.
Now for the Trunk, go to Ear Hand Shrine. Climb up the area to reach the rainbow bridge but do not cross it to the battle area. Instead, turn right to find the Streamer Trunk.

The Suitcase Tag is found in Woods. Follow the main path until you have to cross a river by using Time Bubble on a log. On the other side of the river is a cliffside to wall jump your way up. The tag is on the right side at the top around the corner.

To find the Suitcase, travel back to Backstage. Go to the ramp on the right side, and you will find a path underneath. Your collectible is inside that room.

Published: Aug 28, 2021 07:23 pm