Eivor is given a task by the Hidden Ones Order to hunt and take down 45 members of the Order of the Ancients, a secret order pulling the strings of humanity to how they see fit. Several of them are woven into the main story, but many of the zealots are hidden throughout the world and you have to find them. If you locate all of them, that brings you step closer to earning Thor’s Cape, which you receive after obtaining taking out all of them.
While we have the locations shown with each one, they do patrol the roads. We can provide a rough estimation regarding where you might find them, but they could appear in an alternative location in their respective region.
All Zealot locations
You can find Beorhtsige patrolling through the west and middle part of Glowecestrescire, You’ll want to go through the roads to find them, alongside the Thieves’ Warren. They have a recommend power level of 280.

Bercthun will be in Hamtunscire. They pass in front of the fast travel point to the northwest of Fearnhamme. They have a recommended power level of 340, making them one of the strongest zealot of them all. You may want to encounter them last.

Callin is another difficult zealot to locate. They’ll be wandering around the Eurvicscire region, more towards the eastern portion of it, in the wilderness. They’re described as a hermit, but they will still be on the main road in this region.

Cola has an extremely large route that runs through Lincolnscire and Eurvicscire. The best bet, if you haven’t already encountered them, is to wait at a crossroads to the northwest outside of Lincoln to ambush them. Eventually, they should show up. We’ve tried running up and down the roads to find them, with no luck. They have a recommended power level of 90.

Cudberct can be a difficult zealot to locate. They normally wander the Oxenefordscire region, along the main road to the west of Cyne Belle Castle. They have a fairly decent patrol path, so take your time to find them. They have a recommended power level of 160.

You can find Eorforwine wandering the Grantebridgescire region, north of Duroliponte. There’s a fast travel point there you can use to quickly zip over to it. They have a recommended power level of 90.

You can find Heike patrolling the Essexe region, to the east of Sancta Maria’s Abbey, near the city of Colcestre. They will have a recommended power of 250.

Horsa is patrolling the main road in Oxenefordscire, to the northeast of Buckingham, along the road next to the Alne River. They will have a recommended power level of 130.

Hrothgar is one of the stronger zealots you have to battle. They will have a suggested power level of 280, and you can find them Suthsexe, patrolling the road next to the Santlache Mine and next to Crawleah.

Kendall is one of the earlier zealots you can fight. They’re typically patrolling the roads to the west of Walden in Grantebridgescire. They have a recommended power level of 90.

Osgar will be patrolling the main western road of Lincolnscire, to the west of Wynmere Lake. They will have a recommended power level of 220.

Redwald will be patrolling the roads next to Venonis, in Ledecestrescire. They have a recommended power level of 90, so you can fight them pretty early on.

Wealdmaer is patrolling the west road from Wenlocan Abbey, in Sciropescire. You can find them on the road, and you should prepare to encounter several bandits. They have a recommended power of 160.

Woden will be patrolling the road to the west of Canterbury in Cent. They will have a recommended power level of 220.

You can find Wuffa in East Anglia. They will be patrolling the western roads next to the Theotford Forest, to the south of the Forest Hideout. They will have a recommended power level of 160.

Published: Nov 23, 2020 05:38 pm