At some point off-screen, the crew members of the Airship in Among Us must have some time off to themselves, as there is a Lounge with a couple of pool tables. Some maintenance is required, as you will have to unclog some toilets as part of your tasks.
Where to find the Lounge

The Lounge is located in the top center part of the Airship. It borders with the Cargo Bay to the south of the Lounge bathroom, and Records is to its left. If you’re coming in from the very left of the ship, you’ll likely have to take the platform in the Gap Room to reach here.

How to Clean Toilet

To the bottom right of the Lounge is the bathroom. There are four stalls in the bathroom, and only one of these toilets will need to be unclogged. You’ll have to check each stall one by one; select a door and it will violently slam open. Consequently, this would make any reveal of dead bodies left by imposters hidden in these stalls quite dramatic.

The toilet that needs some fixing will be highlighted yellow, like with any other Among Us task. There will be a plunger in the toilet, and you will have to pull it in and out of the toilet bowl — use the touch screen, mouse, or left joystick and do this in a vertical motion.

Go up and down quickly, as you will need to get the pressure meter on the right from green all the way to red. Once the meter goes all the way up, the toilet will be clean for the crew’s use, assuming they ever have time for bathroom breaks.
Published: Mar 31, 2021 02:36 pm