Online games tend to come with a few issues, and in Apex Legends, you can expect to have a few hiccups when you try to connect to a game. Some players have reported they encountered the error code leaf when attempting to jump into a game. What’s causing this issue, and is there a fix for it?
When you receive the error code leaf while playing Apex Legends, it’s about not being able to connect to the game’s servers. There’s no communication between your internet connection and the game, preventing you from logging in and joining your friends. Because it’s a server issue, you first want to verify if Apex Legends is online. You can do this by checking out the official Twitter page for the game, the Downdector for PC players, or by seeing if the Xbox Live or PlayStation networks are down if you’re playing on a console.
If none of these fixes the issue, you then need to double-check your connection. You can try restarting your computer, restarting your modem, or by unplugging your connection to the internet and then restarting it. If none of these issues bring up anything, you may need to wait until the connection lightens up. It’s likely coming from developer Respawn Entertainment’s side, so it needs to clear up the issue. You can expect the down period to be anywhere from a couple of minutes to a few hours. It varies based on the severity of the problem. If it’s for a few hours, make sure to visit the Apex Legends Twitter page because the team will likely have updates about the situation.
To solution to fixing error code leaf is a waiting game, and it’s about patience. Server issues are a common problem for purely online games, and it takes a bit of time to clear them up before players can jump back into it.
Published: Mar 11, 2020 03:15 pm