You need Nick’s help in Psychonauts 2 to speak with the Mail Clerk Ford. Unfortunately, Nick is missing his brain, and if he’s going to be of any use to you, you’ll need to find a spare brain, at least until he can get his original one back. Once he receives a brain, he should help you gain access to the Secure Mail Room. This guide details how to get a spare brain for Nick in Psychonauts 2.
The only person who can help you with accessing a spare brain will be Otto. You can find him at the Quarry. You’ll be able to access this area by visiting the reception area in the lobby, which you get to by visiting the main terminal. Once you gain access to the Quarry, to can find Otto’s lab at the Research and Development location.

You can reach this location by jumping across the psychic bridge to the Psychoisolation Chamber and then turning right to make your way towards the Abandoned Mine. However, take a right across the logs to make it to the Research and Development location.
If this is your first time in this location, you’ll need to interact with the terminal when you enter the building, and you’ll be able to access this. There will also be a cutscene with Otto, introducing Razputin with several new gadgets he can use during his adventures. Once the cutscene is finished, go to the back of the room and up the stairs to the large machine with several green goo globes inside them. There are brains in there, and a cutscene will play out with Otto explaining what they are.

Approach the terminal, and you can explore the Hall of Brains and Unprocessed Minds. Your goal will be to go to the Unprocessed Minds and go down to Heptadome Harry, which should be unlocked. You can release this brain and give it to Nick. When you select a brain, a brief cutscene will play.

You can bring the brain back to Nick in the mailroom to complete this portion of the quest, and he’ll be able to help you to gain access to the Secure Mail Room.
Published: Aug 24, 2021 11:00 am