One of the best parts about becoming an Affiliate or Partner on Twitch is the ability to create custom emotes for your channel. Emotes allow for your viewers to express themselves. Emotes are also a great incentive to get viewers to subscribe to your channel.
As an affiliate, you start off with five Tier One emotes, one Tier Two, and one Tier Three emotes. In addition to these standard emotes, you’ll also be given one Animated Emotes and four Bits Emotes, which viewers can unlock by donating a certain amount of bits. These different bit amounts are 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, and 25,000. As a Partner, you’ll start with 10 emote slots and five Animated Emotes. Partners also have bit emotes at the same bit amounts as an Affiliate streamer.
If you run out of emote slots, no need to worry because you can unlock more. If you want to unlock more emote slots, you’ll need to get Subscriber Points. A Tier One subscription rewards you in 1 Subscriber Point, a Tier Two gives you two points, and lastly, a Tier Three gives you six points. The Subscriber Points needed for a new emote slot differ between Affiliates and Partners. By unlocking a new emote slot, you’ll also receive an additional Animated Emote slot.
Subscriber Points Needed for Affiliates

Subscriber Points Needed for Partners

Published: Dec 29, 2021 07:46 am