The age-old question when players can’t connect is if the issue is on their side or the developers. Unfortunately, the Tenno are just as susceptible to Warframe server issues as any other game, so being able to decipher where the issue stems during a suspected outage should be every space ninja’s first step.
There are several ways to check Warframe server status; simply doing an internet search for server status will likely result in players falling into crowd-sourced issue trackers. While this could help users clarify if the issue is on their end or Digital Extreme’s, there is no guarantee that crowd-sourcing accurately reports outages within your region.
We need a way to ping the network directly and check if the data is being received or not. Users can check automated ping tools, such as PingServerStatus, that will ping the proper servers depending on the selected title. This method is helpful if you’re playing Warframe on a console.
If you’re on a PC, users can run a ping command through Windows Command Prompt (CMD) to ping specific addresses. Users should use GlassWire or WireShark to determine where the outgoing requests are being sent when trying to connect to Warframe. Once the addresses are found, it’s a matter of using ‘ping’ within the command prompt and waiting to see the loss percentage within.

Note that, depending on where you live within the world, those attempted Hosts (as shown within GlassWire) will likely change. With this data, users can then enter the Command Prompt with the ping command.

Within CMD, we can see the first host is down ( with 100% reported loss. The second server, which GlassWire noted for traffic, is up with an average ping of 73ms.
Published: Dec 15, 2021 11:37 pm