Although Apex Legends Season 13: Saviors is set to deliver a whole new Legend with Newcastle, there may be even more buzz about the man behind the mask. As revealed in the season’s initial trailer, this incoming hero is actually none other than Bangalore’s brother, Jackson Williams, originally believed to have died in battle. Well, a new Stories from the Outlands now sheds light on what he’s been up to and how he managed to make it into the Apex Games.
The most telling piece of information from this animated short is that Jackson somehow survived his fight with the IMC and later began to raise a family in Solace’s Harris Valley. However, he didn’t take up the moniker of Newcastle while doing so — at first. The latest footage reveals the mantle of Newcastle was originally taken up by another townsperson who essentially sold Harris Valley to a gang known as the Forgotten Families.
As one can guess, this business deal ultimately goes sour, leaving Jackson no choice but to buy back the town by fighting as Newcastle in the Apex Games, with his closing words being “see you soon, sis.” Those who’ve been following the relationship between Jackson and Bangalore know it’s a rocky one, to say the least, but it appears that Jackson has put his past behind him — so much so, it seems he hasn’t told his family of his Legend sibling. This becomes apparent when his young son mistakes Bangalore as an “IMC jerk.”
Related: Who is the voice actor for Newcastle in Apex Legends?
Those awaiting this much-anticipated family reunion can experience it in-game first on May 10, when Season 13: Saviors debuts on all of Apex Legends’ supported platforms. Additionally, the first gameplay footage of Newcastle and his abilities is set to debut on the Apex Legends YouTube channel on May 2.
Published: Apr 28, 2022 10:53 am