Of the different sabotage methods in Among Us, communications is often ignored, which can leave players wondering how to fix this if they haven’t experienced it before. Comms can be quite difficult to fix depending on which map you are playing on.
Fixing comms on Skeld and Polus

On Skeld and Polus, fixing communications is a one crewmate job. All you have to do is make your way to the communications room and activate the radio. You will then see this radio with two frequencies. Your goal is to match the frequencies by turning the dial. This can be quite difficult, so turn it slowly to find the exact wavelength you are looking for. Once the two frequencies match, communications will be fixed.Â

Fixing comms on Mira HQ
Mira HQ has a communications setup that is much more difficult to fix, as it requires the work of two crewmates at the same time. You will need to go to Communications and the room across from Admin to find the two keypad points.

Click use on the radios and you will be shown a keypad with a code to enter. The only way to reactivate communications is to enter the codes into both keypads within ten seconds of each other. Considering there is no communication during rounds, this can be difficult to fix.

Published: Nov 15, 2020 01:44 pm