Plenty of the physical comedy from It Takes Two is tinged with dark humor, and the conditions for most achievements are no exception. The Look At Him Go achievement or trophy is a great example of this, starting off innocently and then quickly devolving into that trademark humor we know and love. The description states: “Shoot for the stars, literally.”
In the Spaced Out segment of the Rose’s Room chapter of the game, players will naturally come across the seesaw when Cody and May jump through one of the many portals here. The solution is normally to have the enlarged Cody ground pound one side to fling May up to the platform, then her do the same to him until his large form brings it fully down. However, if you have tiny Cody stand on the seesaw instead and May ground pounds the other side from the platform, he’ll be flung into the sky and explode into “stars” instead.
Related: It Takes Two – Plastic Prison Breakers achievement guide

It’s a simple achievement to get, but it takes a bit of creative thinking, or at least the result of plenty of trial and error as you try to solve this puzzle. Not to mention that it results in yet another of many deaths for the pair, which is always amusing.
Related: It Takes Two – Break the Bank achievement guide
Published: Mar 26, 2021 09:30 am