Roblox and Boku no Hero Academia, also known as My Hero Academia in the West, have fused a unique game anyone can play through. Known as Boku no Roblox: Remastered, the game is constantly being updated by the team and has thousands of people playing during peak times. We took on some superpowers and went exploring to slay world bosses, fight enemies, and earn new costumes. This guide contains a slew of codes that will help boost your account with new items, so you can conquer the world in style.
Related: My Hero Academia: The Strongest Hero character tier list
Active Boku no Roblox: Remastered codes
- 601kHalvedExpReq — Reward: 2x EXP for 1 Hour (New)
- 599kCash — Reward: 40k Cash
- 600kHalvedExperience — Reward: 2x EXP for 1 Hour
- 598kCash — Reward: 50k Cash
- 597kCash — Reward: 75k Cash
- JollyXMas — Reward: Cash
- M0bileCh4ng3s — Reward: 50k Cash
- M1rk0b0ss — Reward: 50k Cash
- StatpointReset — Reward: Stat Point Reset
- InifinteRaid! — Reward: 50k Cash
- ThanksFor570k! — Reward: 55,000 Cash
- echoeyesonYT5K — Reward: 22,000 Cash
- Sc4rySkel3ton — Reward: 75,000 Cash
- newu1s — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- 1MFAVS — Reward: 25,000 Cash
Expired Boku no Roblox: Remastered codes
This list contains every Boku no Roblox: Remastered code that we know has expired. Don’t try to redeem these codes because the rewards are no longer available.
- aprilf00ls — Reward: 1 Cash
- BNRxDessi — Reward: 25,000 Cash
- echoeyesonYT5K — Reward: 25,000 Cash
- JULY4TH — Reward: 25,000 Cash
- MaineS4 — Reward: 25,000 Cash
- 200MVISITS — Reward: 25,000 Cash
- HallowDessi2020 — Reward: 25,000 Cash
- Sub2Supershiftery — Reward: 25,000 Cash
- UseCodeDessi — Reward: 25,000 Cash
- DessiNoRevamp — Reward: 25,000 Cash
- THANKSGIVING — Reward: 25,000 Cash
- THXGIVING — Reward: 25,000 Cash
- 150MVISITS — Reward: 25,000 Cash
- Sub2Telanthric — Reward: 25,000 Cash
- SubtoCodexGeas — Reward: 25,000 Cash
- BokuNoTw1tt3r — Reward: 25,000 Cash
- th4nky0u — Reward: 25,000 Cash
- DessiXmas2020 — Reward: 25,000 Cash
- 300MVISITS — Reward: 30,000 Cash
- bl4ckwh1p — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- TOFUU — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- sh1ns0 — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- mhaseason5 — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- newyear2021 — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- gang0rca — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- g1gant0mach1a — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- sp00ky — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- 50MVISITS — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- man1f3st — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- 0v3rhau1 — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- cl3ss1A — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- mhaseason4 — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- t0dor0k1 — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- m1rk0 — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- pr0m1n3nceburn — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- vi11ainraid — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- mrc0mpr3ss — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- p1usu1tra — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- tok0yam1 — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- NEWYEAR2020 — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- h0witzer1mpact — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- fi3rcew1ngs — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- DessiNoVr — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- sh1garaki — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- CHRISTMAS — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- pr3sentm1c — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- m1net4 — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- oj1r0 — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- m4ihats8me — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- 500KFAVS — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- end3av0r — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- er4serh3ad — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- h3r0raid — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- g3ntlecr1minal — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- mid0r1ya — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- m1rio — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- H4wk5 — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- t0muraAll4one — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- n1ght3ye — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- 100MVISITS — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- je4ni5t — Reward: 50,000 Cash
- infinite100% — Reward: 100,000 Cash
How to redeem Boku no Roblox: Remastered codes
To redeem Boku no Roblox: Remastered codes, launch the game and click on the options tab. Within the options tab, you’ll find an image of a clipboard that you need to click. This will open a new window, but you need to click the Twitter icon in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. Now you can type in the codes you wish to redeem. When you hit the return button, the reward will be automatically applied to your account. Repeat this for every code you wish to redeem.
Published: Dec 2, 2024 08:18 am