Sightseeing Logs are an underutilized feature of Final Fantasy XIV. Originally created as a way to track the discoveries of unique vista locations, Sightseeing Logs are a fun time-killer if you’re waiting for a Duty Roulette to finish — but more importantly, Sightseeing Logs provide much-needed experience for your character, as long as they are a Disciple of War or Magic.
In Endwalker, you can unlock the Sightseeing Log nearly instantly. You will need to progress the Main Story Quest up to the part where you are given a choice to go to either Thavnair or aid Krile in Old Sharlayan. Once you have reached this point, travel to the Scholar’s Harbor in the southern part of Old Sharlayan and speak with the NPC marked on the map (X13, Y16.)

Sightseeing Logs are easy to use as well — access the log via your Logs tab and head to the Endwalker section. You can get hints on where to find these vista points here. There are a total of 46 vista points to discover in Endwalker. Once you locate a Sightseeing vista point — indicated by sparkles on the ground — simply type /lookout. Remember that you must not be mounted or in-combat to get the experience rewards.
Published: Dec 4, 2021 11:31 am