Epic has added yet another Marvel-related landmark to the game. This time, Black Panther is honored with a massive statue, a timely tribute to the passing of Chadwick Boseman, the talented actor who brought the character to life in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Sadly, Boseman recently passed away after a long battle with cancer, making this new monument in the game a bit of a tearjerker.
You can find Panther’s Prowl to the west of Misty Meadows, nestled on the hills just outside the town. Just like Ant Manor, it appears to have been cut out of another world and dropped onto the island. We have no idea who is doing this, although our suspicions tell us that Tony Stark has something to do with what is going on.

If you visit the landmark, there is currently a bug where it will not appear the first time you get there. All you need to do to fix the bug is load into another game and it should appear from that point onwards.
There are some loots chests to be found here, and ground spawns, so you won’t be left out in the cold if you go there at the start of a match. You are also close to Misty Meadows, where you can finish looting up, and right beside the Choppa spawn in Lazy Lake for a quick exit if you want to get elsewhere on the map fast.
Published: Sep 1, 2020 11:19 am