GoldenEye 007 has made a much-anticipated return to modern gaming consoles with it being added to the Nintendo Switch Online N64 library and releasing on Xbox for the first time ever. While these two versions of the game would appear to be the same thing at first, there are differences between them. That being said, the cheats from the original game have returned but are unlocked through different means, depending on the platform you play on. Here is how to activate all the cheats in GoldenEye 007.
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How to activate cheats in GoldenEye on Nintendo Switch
If you are playing GoldenEye 007 on Nintendo Switch, you are essentially playing the original version of the game. That said, you can activate any of the cheats below by inputting the following codes in the right spot. Note: inputs that would normally be on the joystick of an N64 controller have been mapped to the left D-pad, and C buttons are on the right joystick.
Each input will have you changing between holding the L and R button and inputting the correct direction with your D-pad or Right Stick. This can be complicated and might take a few tries to get right. Luckily, you can work through these pretty slowly.
Campaign cheat codes

These codes are entered while in the middle of gameplay. If successful, a small message will be displayed in the screen’s bottom left corner.
- 2x Hunting Knife – R + RS Down, L + D-pad Right, R + RS Left, L + D-pad Right, L + R + D-pad Right, L + R + D-pad Up, L + D-pad Down, R + D-pad Left, L + D-pad Right, L + RS Left
- 2X Grenade Launcher — R + D-pad Down, R + D-pad Up, D-pad Right, L + R + RS Down, L + D-pad Right, R + D-pad Left, D-pad Left, D-pad Down, D-pad Up, R + RS Down
- 2X Laser — L + D-pad Right, L + R + RS Left, L + D-pad Down, R +  D-pad Left, R + D-pad Down, L + D-pad Right, RS Up, D-pad Right, R + D-pad Right, L + R + D-pad Up
- 2X Rocket Launcher — R + D-pad Right, L + D-pad Up, D-pad Down, D-pad Down, R + RS Down, L + D-pad Left, L + RS Left, R + D-pad Up, R + D-pad Down, R + RS Left
- 2X Throwing Knife — R + RS Left, L + D-pad Left, D-pad Up, L + R + D-pad Right, D-pad Right, L + R + RS Left, L + R + RS Left, R + D-pad Down, R + D-pad Left, R + RS Left
- All weapons – L Button + R Button + D-pad Down, L Button + RS Left, L Button + RS Right, L Button + R Button + RS Left, L Button + D-pad Down, L Button + RS Down, R Button + RS Left, L Button + R Button + RS Right, R Button + D-pad Up, L Button + RS Left
- DK Mode — L and R + D-pad Up, RS Right, R + D-pad Left, R + D-pad Up, D-pad Up, R + D-pad Right, D-pad Up, L + R + RS Down, L + R + Down, L + R + RS Left
- Invincibility – L + D-pad Down, R + RS Right, R + RS Up, L + D-pad Right, L + RS Down, R + RS Up, L + D-pad Right, R + D-pad Down, L + D-pad Left, L + R + RS Right
- Invisibility – R + RS Left, L + R + RS Up, L + R + D-pad Left, L + R + D-pad Up, R + D-pad Up, L + RS Left, R + RS Up, L + RS Down, L + R + D-pad Left, R + D-pad Right
- Infinite Ammo — L + R + RS Right, R + D-pad Up, R + D-pad Down, R + D-pad Down, L + R + RS Right, L + R + D-pad Left, R + D-pad Down, R + D-pad Up, L + R + RS Right, R + D-pad Left
- Line Mode — R + RS Down, L + R + D-pad Down, L + D-pad Right, R + RS Up, L + R + RS Right, R + D-pad Up, L + D-pad Down, L + D-pad Right, R + RS Left, R + RS Up
Cheat menu codes
These codes are input on the screen where you turn cheats off or on
- All weapons — D-pad Down, D-pad Left, RS Up, D-pad Right, L + D-pad Down, L + D-pad Left, L + D-pad Up, RS Left, D-pad Left, RS Down
- Dual RCP90’s — D-pad Up, D-pad Right, L + D-pad Left, R + D-pad Down, L + D-pad Up, L + RS Left, L + D-pad Left, RS Right, RS Up, L + R + D-pad Down
- Infinite Ammo — L + RS Left, L + R + D-pad Right, RS Right, RS Right, R + D-pad Left, L + RS Down, L + R + D-pad Left, L + R + RS Down, L + D-pad Up, RS Right
- Invincibility — R + D-pad Left, L + D-pad Down, D-pad Left, D-pad Up, D-pad Down, R + RS Left, L + RS Left, L + R + D-pad Left, L + R + D-pad Right, L + RS Left
- Silver PP7 — L + D-pad Left, L + R + D-pad Up, L + D-pad Right, L + R + D-pad Up, L + R + RS Left, L + R + D-pad Left, L + R + D-pad Down, RS Down, L + R + D-pad Right, L + R + D-pad Left
- Gold PP7 — L + R + D-pad Right, L + R + D-pad Down, L + D-pad Up, L + R + D-pad Down, RS Up, R + D-pad Up, L + R + D-pad Right, L + D-pad Left, D-pad Down, L + RS Down
- Paintball Mode — L + D-pad Up, RS Up, R + D-pad Right, L + R + RS Left, L + D-pad Up, R + RS Down, L + RS Down, L + R + RS Down, L + R + D-pad Up, Hold L + RS Down
- Slow Motion — L + R + D-pad Left, L + R + D-pad Left, L + R + D-pad Down, L + R + D-pad Left, RS Right, L + R + D-pad Down, L + R + D-pad Down, L + D-pad Down, RS Left, RS Up
- Small James Bond — L + R + D-pad Down, R + D-pad Down, L + RS Down, D-pad Left, R + RS Left, L + R + RS Down, D-pad Right, D-pad Down, R + RS Down, R + D-pad Right
- Turbo mode — L + D-pad Down, L + RS Down, L + R + D-pad Up, R + RS Down, D-pad Left, R + D-pad Down, L + RS Down, D-pad Up, R + D-pad Down, L + D-pad Right
Mission cheat codes
The following codes are inputted on the mission selection screen and will unlock specific levels.
- Unlock Bunker — L + RS Down, R + Right, L + RS Right, R + RS Left, L + RS Down, L + R + D-pad Left, L + RS Right, L + R + D-pad Up, R + RS Right, L + D-pad Up
- Unlock Bunker II — L + D-pad Down, R + D-pad Down, L + R + RS Up, L + D-pad Left, L + R + D-pad Right, L + RS Left, R + D-pad Right, L + RS Up, L + D-pad Left, L + RS Down
- Unlock Caverns — L + D-pad Down, R + RS Down, L + R + D-pad Up, L + D-pad Right, R + RS Up, R + RS Left, R + D-pad Up, L + RS Left, L + D-pad Up, R + RS Left
- Unlock Control Center — L + RS Down, R + D-pad Down, L + D-pad Right, R + RS Right, R + RS Down, R + D-pad Left, R + D-pad Left, R + RS Up, R + D-pad Left, L + R + RS Up
- Unlock Cradle — L + R + RS Up, L + D-pad Left, R + D-pad Down, L + D-pad Down, L + RS Up, L + D-pad Down, R + D-pad Right, R + RS Up, L + RS Left, R + D-pad Right
- Unlock Depot — L + D-pad Down, L + D-pad Down, R + RS Down, L + RS Right, L + R + D-pad Right, R + RS Left, L + D-pad Down, L + RS Left, L + RS Right, L + D-pad Up
- Unlock Facility — L + R + RS Up, R + RS Left, L + D-pad Left, R + RS Up, L + D-pad Left, R + RS Down, L + RS Right, R + D-pad Right, L + R + RS Up, L + D-pad Right
- Unlock Frigate — R + RS Up, L + D-pad Down, R + RS Right, L + D-pad Left, L + R + D-pad Up, L + R + RS Down, R + RS Right, R + D-pad Up, L + R + RS Down, R + D-pad Up
- Unlock Jungle — R + RS Down, R + D-pad Left, L + R + D-pad Up, R + D-pad Right, R + D-pad Down, R + D-pad Down, R + D-pad Up, R + RS Left, R + RS Up, L + R + D-pad Left
- Unlock Runway — L + R + D-pad Left, R + D-pad Left, L + RS Up, L + D-pad Left, R + RS Up, R + RS Down, R + RS Right, R + D-pad Right, L + Down, R + RS Left
- Unlock Silo — L + D-pad Up, R + RS Down, L + D-pad Left, R + D-pad Down, L + RS Left, L + R + RS Right, L + RS Up, R + D-pad Right, R + D-pad Right, R + RS Right
- Unlock Statue — L + R + RS Down, L + R + RS Down, L + D-pad Right, L + R + D-pad Left, R + D-pad Left, R + RS Right, L + R + D-pad Left, R + RS Up, R + RS Down, R + D-pad Right
- Unlock Streets — L + R + RS Left, L + RS Right, L + D-pad Up, L + R + RS Down, R + RS Right, R + RS Down, R + D-pad Left, R + RS Down, R + RS Up, L + D-pad Down
- Unlock Surface — R + RS Left, L + R + RS Up, L + D-pad Left, R + D-pad Up, R + D-pad Left, L + D-pad Up, R + RS Down, L + D-pad Right, L + RS Right, L + R + D-pad Down
- Unlock Surface II — L + RS Down, L + R + RS Right, R + RS Right, R + RS Up, R + RS Left, L + D-pad Right, L + R + RS Up, L + RS Up, L + R + D-pad Down, L + RS Right
- Unlock Train — R + D-pad Left, R + RS Down, R + RS Right, L + R + D-pad Left, L + D-pad  Right, R + RS Down, L + D-pad Left, L + R + RS Left, L + D-pad Up, L + RS Up
- Unlock Archives — R + D-pad Left, L + R + D-pad Up, L + R + RS Down, R + D-pad Left, L + R + RS Right, L + D-pad Left, L + R + D-pad Right, L + R + RS Down, L + D-pad Up, R + RS Down
- Unlock Aztec — R + RS Down, R + D-pad Left, L + D-pad Right, L + R + RS right, L + D-pad Down, L + R + RS up, L + D-pad Left, L + R + RS up, L + R + D-pad Right, L + RS Left
- Unlock Egypt — L + R + D-pad Up, L + R + RS Right, L + D-pad Down, R + D-pad Right, R + D-pad Up, L + D-pad Down, L + D-pad Left, L + RS Right, L + R + RS Right, L + D-pad Left
Multiplayer cheat codes
These codes are inputted while playing a multiplayer match.
- Invisibility — L + RS Up, L + R + RS Left, R + D-pad Up, L + RS Right, R + RS Left, L + D-pad Right, L + R + RS Left, L + RS Right, L + D-pad Up, L + R + RS Down
- No Radar — R + D-pad Up, RS Down, RS Left, RS Up, L + D-pad Down, R + D-pad Up, RS Left, D-pad Right, R + D-pad Left, R + D-pad Right
- Unlock all characters – L + R + RS Left, L + RS Up, L + R + D-pad Left, L + D-pad Right, R + D-pad Down, L + R + RS Left, L + RS Up, L + R + D-pad Right, L + R + RS Down, L + D-pad Down
How to activate cheats in GoldenEye on Xbox
Unfortunately for Xbox players, cheat codes have been removed from the game and do not work. You can still get the cheats themselves, but you will need to beat campaign missions on certain difficulties and within a time limit. These methods can also be used on the Nintendo Switch version.

- 007 mode – Beat all missions on 00 Agent difficulty
- All guns – Beat Egyptian on 00 Agent difficulty in under 6:00 mins
- Aztec level – Beat all main levels on Secret Agent difficulty or higher
- DK mode – Beat Runway on any difficulty in under 5:00 mins
- Egyptian level – Beat all main levels on 00 Agent difficulty or higher
- Enemies with rockets – Beat Streets on any difficulty in under 1:45 mins
- Fast animation – Beat Statue on Secret Agent difficulty in under 3:15 mins
- Gold PP7 – Beat Cradle on any difficulty in under 2:15 mins
- Golden Gun – Beat Egyptian on any difficulty
- Grenade launcher x2 – Beat Surface 1 on Secret Agent difficulty in under 3:30 mins
- Hunting knife x2 – Beat Jungle on any difficulty in under 3:45 mins
- Infinite ammo – Beat Control on Secret Agent difficulty in under 10:00 mins
- Invincibility – Beat Facility on 00 Agent difficulty in under 2:05 mins
- Invisibility – Beat Archives on 00 Agent difficulty in under 1:20 mins
- Laser – Beat Aztec on any difficulty
- Laser x2 – Beat Aztec on Secret Agent difficulty in under 9:00 mins
- Magnum – Beat Cradle on any difficulty
- No radar in multiplayer – Beat Frigate on Secret Agent difficulty in under 4:30 mins
- Paintball mode – Beat Dam on Secret Agent difficulty in under 2:40 mins
- RC-P90 x2 – Beat Caverns on 00 Agent difficulty in under 9:30 mins
- Rocket launcher x2 – Beat Bunker 1 on 00 Agent difficulty in under 4:00 mins
- Silver PP7 – Beat Train on 00 Agent difficulty in under 5:25 mins
- Slow animation – Beat Depot on Secret Agent difficulty in under 1:40 mins
- Throwing knife x2 – Beat Bunker 2 on Agent difficulty in under 1:30 mins
- Tiny Bond – Beat Surface 2 on 00 Agent difficulty in under 4:15 mins
- Turbo mode – Beat Silo on any difficulty in under 3:00 mins
Published: Jan 27, 2023 01:49 pm