When you do something good in Halo infinite multiplayer, you will receive a medal on the side of your screen. This is the game’s way of showing how you completed a feat worth celebrating. The problem is that there are plenty of medals in the game and no real description of how to get them. If you have ever received a medal in Halo Infinite multiplayer and don’t know what it means, here is a complete list of them.
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Multikills (quick kills in succession)
- Double Kill – 2 kills
- Triple Kill – 3 kills
- Overkill – 4 kills
- Killtacular – 5 kills
- Killtrocity – 6 kills
- Killamanjaro – 7 kills
- Killtastrophe – 8 kills
- Killpocalypse – 9 kills
- Killionaire – 10 kills
Sprees (kills without dying)
- Killing Spree – 5 kills
- Killing Frenzy – 10 kills
- Running Riot – 15 kills
- Rampage – 20 kills
- Nightmare – 25 kills
- Boogeyman – 30 kills
- Grim Reaper – 35 kills
- Demon – 40 kills
- Killjoy – end an enemy’s streak
Weapons (get five kills with a specific weapon class)
- Bomber – launchers
- Boxer – melee
- Breacher – SMGs
- Driver – vehicles
- Heavy – detached turrets
- Grenadier – grenades
- Gunner – mounted turrets
- Gunslinger – pistols
- Marksman – tactical rifles
- Pilot – aircraft vehicles
- Rifleman – assault rifles
- Scattergunner – shotguns
- Sharpshooter – sniper rifles
- Tanker – siege vehicles
- Warrior – melee weapons
Everything else
- 360 – kill an enemy after spinning around
- Achilles Spine – melee kill an enemy who has Overshield
- All That Juice – secure three Power Seeds back-to-back
- Always Rotating – capture all three Stronghold points without dying
- Autopilot Engaged – kill the driver of a moving vehicle with a sniper rifle
- Back Smack – melee kill an enemy from behind
- Ballista – kill an enemy with a Skewer from a distance
- Bank Shot – kill an enemy with a Sniper Rifle shot that ricochets off a wall
- Bodyguard – save five allies by killing their attacker
- Boom Block – block an incoming projectile with the Drop Wall
- Bulltrue – save yourself or a teammate by interrupting an enemy’s sword lunge
- Chain Reaction – kill an enemy with chained electricity
- Clock Stop – prevent the enemy from scoring the winning points in Strongholds by capturing a zone
- Cluster Luck – kill multiple enemies with any grenade
- Combat Evolved – catch a power weapon that was blasted from its pod with a plasma grenade
- Deadly Catch – pull a weapon or object towards you with the Grappleshot, then immediately kill an enemy with that weapon
- Death Race – run over two or more enemies with a single Ghost boost
- Dogfight – destroy an enemy aircraft while you are in one as well
- Driveby – earn a double kill as a passenger in a vehicle
- Fastball – kill an enemy from the impact of a thrown grenade, not the explosion
- Fire & Forget – kill someone with a rocket launcher shot from far away
- Flag Joust – kill an enemy holding your team’s flag
- Flawless Victory – win every round of match that is three rounds or more
- Flyin’ High – have a fully loaded vehicle and land a far jump from a ramp
- From the Grave – kill an enemy after you have died
- Fumble – kill an enemy in Oddball holding the ball moments before they win
- Goal Line Stand – return your flag near the enemy flag stand
- Grapple-Jack – use the Grappleshot to hijack a vehicle being piloted by an enemy
- Grand Slam – kill multiple enemies with one Gravity Hammer swing
- Guardian Angel – save an ally from a distance by killing an enemy that is about to kill them
- Hail Mary – kill an enemy with a grenade from a distance
- Harpoon – use the Grappleshot on an enemy from far away
- Hold This – drop a weapon and then kill an enemy with your other weapon
- Interlinked – shock four enemies with a single electrical chain
- Kong – kill an enemy by throwing a Fusion Coil at them
- Last Shot – kill an enemy with the last round in your gun’s magazine before reloading
- Lawnmower – destroy an enemy vehicle with the Brute Chopper’s wheels
- Mind The Gap – knock an enemy down a pit with the Repulsor
- Mounted And Loaded – kill two enemies from a stationary turret
- Mount Up – fully load up a Warthog after honking the horn
- Nade Shot – headshot kill an enemy after damaging them with a grenade
- Ninja – jump over an enemy and then melee them in the back
- No Scope – headshot an enemy without using the scope on the Sniper Rifle
- Nuclear Football – catch a Fusion Coil thrown at you from an enemy
- Odin’s Raven – reveal at least three enemies with the Threat Sensor
- Off the Rack – grab a weapon from its spawn point and immediately kill an enemy with it
- Pancake – use the Repulsor to kill an enemy by hitting them against a wall
- Party’s Over – destroy a fully loaded enemy Razorback
- Perfect – kill an enemy with a precision weapon with peak efficiency (all shots hit the head)
- Perfection – go an entire match without dying and have at least 15 kills
- Pineapple Express – kill an enemy with a grenade while sitting in the passenger seat of a vehicle
- Power Outage – steal three enemy Power Cells back-to-back
- Pull – kill an enemy launched by a Man Cannon with the Sniper Rifle
- Quick Draw – switch to your pistol and immediately get a kill with it
- Quigley – get two kills with one shot from the Sniper Rifle
- Ramming Speed – destroy an enemy vehicle by running into it with a vehicle
- Reclaimer – hijack a vehicle from an enemy that hijacked it from you
- Remote Detonation – kill an enemy after shooting a grenade and making it explode early
- Return To Sender – kill an enemy by deflecting their projectile back to them
- Reversal – kill an enemy after they got damage on you first
- Rideshare – drive an ally holding an objective item a long distance and have them safely deliver the objective
- Saboteur – destroy five enemy vehicles
- Shot Caller – headshot an enemy after pinging them
- Skyjack – take over a flying vehicle being driven by an enemy
- Sneak King – melee a camouflaged enemy in the back
- Snipe – headshot kill an enemy with the Sniper Rifle
- Special Delivery – kill an enemy with a grenade that was pushed by a Man Cannon or Grav Lift
- Splatter – run over an enemy with a vehicle
- Spotter – ping five enemies that are then quickly killed
- Steaktacular – Win a slayer match by outscoring the opponent by at least 60%
- Stick – attach a Plasma or Spike Grenade to an enemy and kill them with it
- Stopped Short – kill an enemy holding your team’s flag just before they score
- Straight Balling – carry the Oddball for a minute without dropping it
- Street Sweeper – kill an enemy with the Bulldog shotgun from the passenger seat of a vehicle
- Tag & Bag – reveal two enemies with the Threat Sensor and kill them
- Wheelman – earn five assists while driving a vehicle
- Whiplash – kill an enemy who used the Grappleshot on you
- Windshield Wiper – kill an enemy who is hijacking your vehicle
- Wingman – earn ten assists
- Yard Sale – kill an enemy who had a power weapon but did not use any of its inventory yet
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Published: Dec 7, 2021 06:38 pm