There are several Pokémon that you can find while playing Pokémon Go. Many of them only appear in specific ways or at certain times of the year. You might even find a unique form of a Pokémon you’ve already caught, such as an Alolan or a Galarian form of a Pokémon Go. If you’re on the hunt for a Galarian Mr. Mime, you’ll need to be fast. But what are the chances of a shiny Galarian Mr. Mime? Here’s what you need to know about catching a shiny Galarian Mr. Mime in Pokémon Go.
While the original form of Mr. Mime does have a shiny form, the Galarian form of Mr. Mime does not. If you encounter this Pokémon by completing special activities or timed research or appearing in the wild during an event, there is no chance of meeting a shiny version of Galarian Mr. Mime. Only a handful of Galarian Pokémon has their shiny versions added to the game. The shiny version of a Pokémon typically appears alongside more significant events, so we might be seeing it sometime in the future.
Galarian Mr. Mime was introduced through a special research ticket in 2020. So the shiny version for the Pokémon may be available during the next holiday season in 2022, but we don’t quite know. It would have made sense to release a shiny version of Galarian Mr. Mime for the Winter Holiday 2021 Part 2 event, though.
Published: Dec 22, 2021 09:50 pm