Genshin Impact started a new event for Version 2.3, the Bantan Sango Case Files: The Warrior Dog event. Your task is to save small animals using a special item while dodging powerful foes. The fourth day starts with a lengthy event, known as the Bantan Sango Case Files: Recognition quest.
Today’s quest is a bit different. You’ll start by talking to Sango, and then talking to Ryuji after Sango sends you to him. Once you arrive at Higi Village, you’ll have to open up some dog cages to free them, rather than starting with a stealth portion.

You’ll notice the dog is ill, before getting attacked by some Treasure Hoarders. Defeat the enemies in an easy fight.

After freeing the animals, the Black Shadow will approach you. It seems like he wants you to follow him. Do so.

You’ll learn the dog’s name is Kageroumaru. He beckons you inside a home, which will send you to a new domain: the Canine Path challenge.
Here, you’ll fight Kageroumaru in an epic fight. Kageroumaru has a couple of unique attacks. He can drop a stone bomb shaped like a dog that explodes in an area of effect after a certain amount of time. He can also shoot out electric projectiles at you.

Now that you beat Kageroumaru, you will become his “ninken.” You have received Kageroumaru’s acknowledgment.
Report back to Sango, and you’ll complete the quest. You’ll also get Kageroumaru as a new companion, although you can only summon him in your Serenitea Pot.
Published: Dec 13, 2021 02:24 pm