The final boss in The Tower of Babil for Final Fantasy XIV is Anima, a massive creature you’ll have to face with your party. However, unlike the previous two bosses, Anima has a few more tricks up their sleeves that you’ll want to be careful of and make sure you react quickly to a changing environment. Here’s how you beat Anima in The Tower of Babil.
After your tank begins the engagement, there are several attacks you want to watch out for that Anima uses. For us, the first attack Anima unleashed was Lunar Nail. It’s an attack that creates seven purple pillars on the arena. You want to stand on the square, not surrounded by these pillars. Anything inside these pillars will be hit by a massive AoE called Phantom Pain.

Another attack you’ll need to watch out for is Mega Graviton. Four black holes will appear at the corners of the arena, and each one attaches itself to one of the party members. You need to move to the opposite side of the room, away from the black hole targeting you, until the line connected between you two becomes orange. After several seconds, all party members will be drawn to their respective black holes, and if they don’t connect with it, they won’t take any damage. Anima may also use a line AoE attack through the center of the room called Pater Patriae that you will need to avoid.

The next attack Anima uses is Boundless Pain. You’ll see multiple blue lights pointed at Anima and a notification at the top of your screen that reads, “Anima begins feeding on souls!” At the end of the attack, all players will be drawn to the center of the room, and a massive unavoidable AoE will fire down, and it will continue to fire on that position. Slowly, it becomes bigger, forcing you and your party members to reach the corner of the room adjacent to Anima to avoid taking further damage.

The last major attack you want to watch for a while fighting Anima is called Erupting Pain. It’s a focused AoE attack that targets every party member, forcing you to spread out from each other before it goes off. Healers will want to prepare their AoE and party heals for this attack.

The big attack from Anima you want to watch out for is called Imperatum. At the end of this attack, all party members will be brought to the center of the arena, and you’ll see a notification of, “A horrific roar tears at the fabric of reality!” After that, you and your party will be drawn to an alternative dimension to fight against another form of Anima. This form does have unique attacks, and there is now a chaos meter on your screen. You want to avoid the chaos meter reaching full, so you’ll need to defeat this form of Anima, which is much easier than the original form.

The initial attack Anima does is called Obliviating Claw, which causes nails to appear on the west and east side of the arena. These nails go from their side to the area in a line AoE attack, but there are gaps in the formation. You want to watch the west side first and then the east side to avoid the attack.

Another attack this form of Anima does is another variation of Oblivating Claw, focused on a single party member. You will see an indicator appear on one party member that will follow them around until the attack is properly charged. After this, it becomes a minor AoE attack that you’ll need to avoid. The attack will fire up a spike at that spot, and then it shoots similar spikes from the west to the east side of the room or east to west.

Those are the two attacks you want to watch out for a while fighting Anima in this dimension. After you defeat Anima, you’ll return to the original room to battle the original Anima, but not before the altered dimension form attacks your party multiple times.
These are all of the attacks you want to avoid while battling Anima. After beating it, you’ll have completed The Tower of Babil dungeon.
Published: Dec 4, 2021 06:53 pm