You’ve pushed into the edge of the universe, Ultima Thule. You’ve experienced the events leading up to this final moment — your confrontation with the architect of the Final Days. While we won’t spoil the events that lead up to this moment, we will prepare you as best as we can for the final encounter. Here’s how to beat the Endsinger in The Final Day.
This trial cannot be done with trusts due to story reasons, so you will need to use the Duty Finder to complete it. The fight is very hectic, and also quite long, so sharp attention will need to be paid to the boss and her attacks. Here’s a rough timeline of how the Endsinger fight goes, and how to deal with her attacks.
Phase One
Endsinger will begin the fight by casting Elegeia, an arena-wide magical attack that cannot be dodged, so healing and mitigation is necessary to reduce the damage of the attack. She will then introduce one of the main mechanics of the entire fight — Stellar Collision. Two planets will spawn on the outside of the arena, one slow and one fast. The faster planet will catch up to the slower one, and cover that entire side of the arena in explosion damage. The key to avoiding this is recognizing which planet is slower, predicting about where it will explode, and moving to the opposite side.

She will follow this with Galaxias, which drops a meteor in the middle of the arena. You want to be as close to the middle as possible, because the meteor will knock you back — and yes, you can fall off of the edge in this trial. Next, she will cast Elenchos, which has two variations. In the first, her mouth will glow white — this indicates that the attack will come straight down the middle of the arena. The second variation, however, her wings will raise, indicating that the sides of the arena are not safe.

Next up is another attack that is used throughout the rest of the fight — Death’s Embrace. This attack launches line projectiles at each party member, so the entire group will need to spread horizontally away from Endsinger to avoid stacking and taking additional damage. This attack is used in conjunction with other attacks later in the fight, so get used to it now.

The next couple of attacks require plenty of movement, so get ready. First, she will drop feathers on your locations, so make sure you move in a way to dodge your feather, and avoid running into another. Immediately following that, she will spawn smaller Endsinger heads, which will cast smaller versions of Elenchos across the arena. This is easily dodged, so locate the safe spot and move towards it.

Moving on, she will cast tankbusters on both tanks at once, indicated by the swirling red circles on both of them. They need to get away from everyone else, otherwise it will deal severe damage to non-tanks. Next, she will cast Elegeia Unforgotten, a stronger version of Elegeia that also spawns another Stellar Collision. However, this time the attack will be repeated — the game message “The impact event has been recorded!” will appear, and the Stellar Collision will repeat. This becomes much more important later in the fight, but she will repeat this attack several times.

The next attack is Exstasis. Endsinger will spawn several heads on the map that will ooze black blood. This black blood expands to cover 90% of the arena, so find your safespot and do not move or try to run through it. She will follow this attack up by vanishing and casting Elenchos again, but from a different angle, so keep your eyes on the outside of the arena.

The remainder of Phase One is cycling through the attacks listed above, and combining two of them together in a deadly combo, so continue to dodge her attacks and push her towards 40% life, where she will transition to Phase Two.
Phase Two
Endsinger will cast Planetes, shifting the fight into a cutscene and signaling the end of the universe. In the arena, she will spawn a new target, the Kakodaimon. You must defeat the Kakodaimon before the Despair meter fills to full, or you will wipe the encounter. Kakodaimon will spawn planets on the outside of the arena, but these will instead trace a line into the arena, signifying where will they crash. You must watch the lines and move appropriately to avoid getting caught in the blast.

After Kakodaimon is defeated, Endsinger will initiate Oblivion, giving you 10 seconds to respond. You should see the game message “Transcend your limits to survive!” pop up on the screen, indicating that you should use a Limit Break here. Once the timer hits about 5 seconds, tanks must use Limit Break to have the party survive.

Afterwards, the remainder of the encounter is story-heavy and contains spoilers, but if you’ve made it this far, you know how to handle it — all of her attacks are repeats or variations of earlier attacks. Best of luck, Warriors of Light.
Published: Dec 6, 2021 04:55 am