The final battle in the Tower of Zot for Final Fantasy XIV’s Endwalker expansion pits you against all three of The Magus Sisters, bringing together the two previous encounters you’ve already faced. The attacks and spells you will deal with when all three Magus Sisters work together can be complex, but understanding their rotation and how each magic works is critical. In this guide, we’re going to detail to you how to beat The Magus Sisters in the Tower of Zot in Final Fantasy XIV.
At the beginning of the fight, after Cinduruva takes a bit of damage, they summon Minduruva, and Sanduruva will appear to assist them. It’s critical to know that your party must focus on defeating Cinduruva first because if you defeat Sanduruva or Minduruva, Cinduruva will revive them. Therefore, you’re better off concentrating on Cinduruva and focusing on the other two.
The initial attack the sisters perform together is a massive AoE attack. There are three forms of these attacks, and you can anticipate them based on what they say to one another. Here’s the breakdown of the three massive AoE spells.
- Glacial ice, entomb our foes; When they use this phrase, the sisters have a pinwheel attack appear in front of them similar to Minduruva’s Blizzard III attack, and it rotates to the southwest part of the map. You want to make your way to the entrance to dodge these attacks, whiel also doding the straight line AoE attacks that cut across the room. After you and your party reach the entrance, return to the back of the room close to Cinduruva to avoid a large AoE ice rock that lands at the entrance

- Insatiable flame, consume our foe; This attack consists of a large AoE fire attack that spreads throughout the entire room, with a safe spot in the center. Rush to the center to dodge it, but the sisters will fire out AoE line attacks at the center, forcing you to scatter.

- However, after this first attack, a second full-room fire AoE attack will appear that you will need to rush towards. It will not be in the center of the room. All teammates will also have a purple arrow over their head indicating an incoming AoE attack. Wait for the fire attack to pass at the center, and then scatter.

- Thunderous tempest, smite our foe; During this attack, massive lightning bolt AoE attacks will appear on the ground, and smaller AoE attacks will appear around these circles that you’ll need to dodge. While this is happening, thick AoE lines will appear on the ground that you will also need to dodge, forcing you and your teammates to scatter throughout these strikes.

Those are the three major AoE attacks The Magus Sisters use during the encounter. The first one is typically the Blizzard attack, and after the initial attack happens, your tank will want to focus on Cinduruva, who will have Sanduruva at their side. Sanduruva will be using their Prapti Siddhi line AoE attack on any party members, but it won’t slow down, allowing everyone to dodge these attacks. At the same time, Minduruva will be using their spells to focus on the tank, but these attacks are significantly weaker than the previous spells they used during their encounter.
After performing these attacks for a short while, the Magus Sisters will utter one of the three phrases, dealing with their AoE attack, before returning to the previous pattern of attacking the party. You’ll want to continue this rotation throughout the battle until you defeat Cinduruva has been defeated.

Once you’ve defeated Cinduruva, your primary focus will be Sanduruva and Minduruva. Sanduruva will start using her Mayusai Berserk spell, so you can expect to dodge this attack, and Minduruva begins using their spells.
After defeating the final boss between, you’ll have finished this encounter, beaten The Magus Sisters, and completed the Tower of Zot.
Published: Dec 4, 2021 10:15 am