Upon arriving in Thavnair in Final Fantasy XIV, Thancred is ready to work with you about exploring the area. The first Main Scenario quest you receive is called On Low Tide. Here’s what you need to do to complete On Low Tide in Thavnair.
After speaking with Thancred, you’ll be asked to visit the docks nearby, directly south of the Aetheryte, to gather information. You’ll then need to search in four locations at the docks to progress through the quest. The locations include a Crate of Fruits, the Pier, and then speak with Djinaleel and Qefiraz.

Upon interacting with all four points, you’ll have to speak with Khalzahl, who will be directly east of the docks inside the large building. When you talk with Khalzahl, a cutscene will play out while Khalzahl speaks with a Guild Member. At the end of the cutscene, Matsya will appear and then return to the docks.
The final thing you’ll need to do is return to the docks to find Matsya and complete the quest when the cutscene plays out. Matsya will explain his and Khalzahl’s relationship, detailing that he lives in a nearby village nearby, and trades with Khalzahl. After finishing On Low Tide, Matsya will have the next quest ready for you, called A Fisherman’s Friend.
Published: Dec 3, 2021 06:48 am