The Psyops skin set for League of Legends was teased earlier this week with the video Operation: Songbird. This teaser featured potential new skins for Sona, Shen, Ezreal, Master Yi, and Vi. The Psyops set will roll out along with Patch 10.08, which is going live on September 2.
Along with the rescue team was a response unit consisting of codenames for Pyke, Zed, Kayle, and the newest champion, Samira. Joining them, we can expect a new skin for Viktor. These skins aren’t confirmed to be in the Psyops set.
According to the teaser this squad is fighting against the Psyops team so it is possible they will be introduced to the game once Samira is released. While Samira was just teased on August 29, Riot might take time with this champ and push her, along with the second Psyops set, to release later in September.

Published: Sep 1, 2020 04:41 pm