In the wondrous realm of Disney Dreamlight Valley, you can embark on an epic quest to restore the lost magic of a once-harmonious world. As you traverse this mystical domain, you’ll encounter familiar faces from Disney and Pixar lore, now afflicted by the mysterious phenomenon known as the Forgetting. Your noble mission? To seek out and collect all the elusive Alien Toys scattered throughout the valley — mischievous yet endearing creatures hailing from the esteemed Toy Story franchise. Below, we have prepared a comprehensive guide to aid you in this cosmic odyssey.
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How to complete the Collect ‘Em All: Little Green Men quest in Disney Dreamlight Valley
First, make your way to Buzz, the esteemed commander of Star Command, to initiate the Disney Dreamlight quest. He will provide you with the necessary information to begin your mission.
The Little Green Men toys spawn randomly throughout Disney Dreamlight Valley, with no fixed locations or biomes. However, they are known to appear in various areas, so keep your eyes peeled for their telltale green hues. Some places where we got lucky are near the bridge in the Sunlit Plateau, north of the big lake in Peaceful Meadow, and right under the Gooseberry Bush in Frosted Heights.
Only nine toys will spawn daily, so this quest requires patience. It may take up to three days to find all 25 Little Green Men toys. Once you pick one up, another will spawn in a different Disney Dreamlight Valley biome. Thoroughly explore each biome to maximize your chances of finding them all.
You can choose how to approach this quest depending on your playstyle. If you prefer a more casual approach, you can continue completing other quests while keeping an eye out for the Little Green Men toys. However, if you’re a hardcore explorer, switch to furniture or spectator mode to get a better vantage point and scour the valley for these elusive aliens.
Once you have successfully located all 25 Little Green Men toys in Disney Dreamlight Valley, return to Buzz to complete your mission and bask in the glory of a job well done.
Published: Apr 6, 2023 11:11 am