A key part of being a villain is knowing how to capture your enemies and squeeze them for information. In Evil Genius 2, you’ll be doing this regularly as your heat level rises in nations worldwide. This guide shows you how to arrest and interrogate your prisoners efficiently.
Step 1: Identify your target

You can arrest almost anyone in Evil Genius 2, but only two types of people are worth interrogating. The first is an enemy agent or soldier. These investigators and members of the army will pop up all the time. Their main goal is to work their way through your cover operation, get into your lair, gather intel, and then report back to their superiors.
When you see them through your cameras or as they enter your cover operation, you can immediately tag them for arrest. This will cause your workers and guards to rush out and arrest them as soon as they enter your lair. Be warned, agents and soldiers will both put up a fight, and they could kill a few workers. That’s why they’re expendable, though.

You can also tag any minions who turn against you for an arrest. This will cause all your other minions to attack them and bring them to your holding cell, along with all your other enemies.
Step 2: Interrogate

This is the easy part. With your prisoners safely tucked away in a holding cell, all you have to do is wait for their resolve to drop to zero. At that point, you can order a minion to come and interrogate them in one of your interrogation chairs. We recommend having at least two so that you can efficiently interrogate multiple prisoners.

Once a prisoner has been interrogated, they’ll most likely die. However, you will earn some Intel from the interrogation, which will help you build your global evil network.
Published: Mar 30, 2021 03:20 am