In order to unlock the new abilities in Destiny 2: Forsaken, you will have to gather Visions of Light to earn a Seed of Light.
Bungie revealed early on that Destiny 2: Forsaken would add new abilities to our Guardian’s subclasses. With the expansion in full swing, everyone is wondering just how we unlock these new abilities. While not all is revealed yet, we do know that unlocking new abilities requires Seed of Lights and to get those you will need Visions of Light, at least in the beginning.
How to Get Visions of Light

As soon as you make your first appearance in the Tangled Shore, you’ll start collecting Visions of Light, little light-blue feathery-looking items that can be collected by killing enemies. You have to collect a rather large amount of them and can keep track of your completion percentage via the Milestones tab in your Director.
Visions of Light Quest and How to Get Seed of Light

Once you’ve gathered the necessary Visions of Light, you will be tasked with completing the Visions of Light quest. You’ll see the quest marker in the Lost Oasis region on Io. Simply accept the quest and get started on the mission. You’ll be seeing a variety of visions from the Traveler and Ikora Rey will talk you through the experience.

The Visions of Light quest culminates at a tree from which you can extra a Seed of Light. You will use that Seed of Light to unlock one new ability for your subclass. The rest of the quest has you killing tons of Taken to test out your new abilities.
How to Get the Second Seed of Light
In order to unlock the second set of abilities, you will have to play Tier 2 or higher in the Blind Well activity. A Seed of Light can drop at random here, but only once per character.
How to Get the Third See of Light
To fully unlock all the new abilities, you’ll need a third Seed of Light which can be obtained in one of two ways. You can complete the Last Wish raid and may get it as a reward along the way, or you can complete Petra Venj’s weekly Offering to the Oracle bounty. In the third week, at this time, you may get a Seed of Light as a reward instead of a bunch of powerful gear.
Unlock New Abilities

According to the lore tab, the Seed of Light consumable is “A manifestation of the Traveler’s power, filled with potential.” It will unlock a new path in your subclass of choice and is very rare. Once you’ve used the Seed of Light, it is consumed.

Once you’ve started on a new path, simply use the abilities to unlock the next step in the tree.
We will update this guide once we discover how to get your hands on the next Seed of Light in order to unlock more new abilities. In the meantime, feel free to visit our Destiny 2 Guide Hub for more articles about what’s new in Forsaken.
Published: Sep 5, 2018 04:33 pm