Upgrading weapons is a valuable strategy in Fortnite. If the random loot isn’t rolling your way, all you need to is upgrade a weapon to a higher rarity to make yourself more competitive in gunfights.
While you can craft weapons in Fortnite, you cannot upgrade them yourself and will instead need to visit specific characters on the map who offer weapon upgrades as a service.
You will need to pay the character Gold to upgrade your weapon, and they can only upgrade non-makeshift weapons, so keep that in mind. You will need to upgrade to each step to unlock the next step, so the total cost to upgrade from a Common weapon to a Legendary weapon is 560 Gold.
- Uncommon – 25 Gold
- Rare – 50 Gold
- Epic – 145
- Legendary – 340 Gold

You can purchase weapon upgrades from the following characters:
- The Reaper on the west coast, near Sweaty Sands.
- Jonesy the first, at Pleasant Park.
- Remedy at Craggy Cliffs.
- Dummy at Compact Cars to the west of Dirty Docks.
- Bandolette at the Flushed Factory on the south coast.
- Jules at Camp Cod.
Knowing exactly where to go to upgrade weapons is important, as Fortnite will often have some challenges based on upgrading weapons over the course of the season. It also helps players make smart decisions, as if the circle is getting smaller and you don’t have a solid weapon for those final fights, it might be time to visit a nearby NPC and get your upgrade.
Published: Mar 23, 2021 10:16 am