During Week 10 of Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 7, players will need to place a Bioscanner in an Alien Biome. It sounds more complicated than it is, and in this guide, we will show you where to go and what to do.
The easiest place to find Alien Biome’s on the island is at Holly Hatchery. Here, players will find a selection of houses that have been taken over by the aliens and turning into a strange nursery for their young. Inside each of the smaller biomes, you will find Bioscaners that you can set up.
You can find the locations of four Bioscanners in Holly Hatchery marked on the map below, as well as individual photos of where the Bioscanners are in-game.

Bioscanner #1

Can be found in the garage of the house with all the catfood at the northeast of town.
Bioscanner #2

Can be found in the outdoor area of the main nursery store in the center of town.
Bioscanner #3

Can be found in the biome to the northwest of town.
Bioscanner #4

The final Bioscanner is in the garden of the biome at the south of the town.
You can find the rest of the weekly challenges below:
Week 9 Legendary Challenges
- Get Slone’s orders from a Payphone – 15000 XP
- Equip a Detector, then disable an Alien Billboard in one match – 45000 XP
- Collect resources in Holly Hatchery – 30000 XP
- Eliminate Trespassers – 30000 XP
- Place a Bioscanner in an Alien Biome – 30000 XP
- Place Spy Probes – 30000 XP
Published: Aug 3, 2021 05:42 am